The study consisted of a laboratory analysis evaluating the degree of color compatibility of the composite resin of the brand Opallis FGM in relation to the Vita Classical color scale. Composite resin specimens were prepared for enamel and dentin in the colors EA1, EA2, EA3, A3,5, DA2 and DA3,5. Data on resin color compatibility with Vita color scale were counted using the Vita Easyshade Advance spectrophotometer (Vita Zahnfabrink, Germany). The values collected were ΔE; L; C; H and *, with only the values of ΔE considered for analysis. The value of ΔE ≤ 3.3 was adopted as reference for similarity to the VITA scale standard. The results were analyzed through the Bioestat® Program (version 5.3). The decrease tendency of ΔE was observed as the resin thickness was increased, but acceptable numbers were only achieved in the combinations. It was concluded that it is essential to associate enamel and dentin resins to obtain acceptable values.
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