Proper selection of instrumental is essential for efficient removal of residual resin enamel, which can positively influence the bond strength of orthodontic brackets after rebonding. To evaluate different protocols for removal of residual resin enamel in order to maintain an adequate bond strength of orthodontic brackets in rebonding. A total of 40 bovine incisors were divided into 4 groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4), with 10 teeth each. Was made a resin matrix after conditioning with phosphoric acid for each specimen to simulate the adhesive remaining on tooth enamel, then was made to remove this remaining as the proposed protocols. The teeth were worked with the G1 tip uniangulada CVD. The teeth of G2 were worked with carbide bur low speed. The teeth were worked with the G3 high speed carbide bur. The teeth of the G4 were worked with diamond drill. After these steps, the incisors were again subjected to acid etching, bonding orthodontic brackets and were taken to shear stress. Thus, one can evaluate the bond strength in the different groups, allowing visualization method that causes greater resistance to shear. Were subjected to statistical test of Kruskal-Wallis indicated that no statistical difference among the groups (p = 0.2383).
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