Periodontal treatment for teeth with a furcation lesion is a challenge for the dental surgeon due to the remaining tissue complexity, limiting the prognosis of the therapy. The assumption of this study is that auxiliary therapy with regenerative approaches could increase the chances of clinical success. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effect of the combination of Scraping and Root Straightening (RAR) and Fibrin Rich Plasma (PRF) in the treatment of grade II furcation injury. The systematic review was carried out following the PRISMA criteria, including the PICO strategy for the study design. The PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane DataBase, SciELO, LILACS databases were used. The search strategy included the terms MeSH and DeCS and was carried out in September 2019. With this research, it was observed that the studies available in the literature do not present a standardization in the study of PRF for treatments of grade II furcation injuries. Therefore, in this review, we cannot state that PRF is the gold standard for treating furcation injuries, although statistically it presents more satisfactory results. We emphasize the importance of further studies associating RAR and PRF in a more judicious manner and with more methodologies of investigation such as histological, morphological and image analyzes in studies to assess the validation of tissue neoformation in the treatment of grade II furcation injury.
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