Introduction: Endodontic surgery is indicated when conventional endodontic treatment does not achieve favorable results. Objective: This manuscript aims to present a case report of endodontic surgery with curettage, apicectomy and retrograde obturation in tooth 21, associated with curettage with apicectomy in tooth 22 due to extensive periapical lesion. Case Report: Patient 17 years old, non-smoker and with no medical conditions was referred to the endodontics specialization, with the main complaint of darkening on tooth 21. On the clinical examination, the patient presented endodontic access on teeth 21 and 22 and darkening of element 21; the presence of extensive periapical lesion and external root resorption on tooth 21 was observed in the tomographic examinations. Conventional endodontic treatment was performed in both elements, associated with endodontic surgery followed by curettage, apicectomy and retrograde obturation in the tooth 21, and associated with curettage with apicoectomy in tooth 22. Conclusion: It was found that parendodontic surgery may be an excellent option to regress extensive periapical lesion.
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