The search for aesthetics has become constant in dental offices, and knowledge on the part of patients has made the demand and expectation ever greater. Cosmetic dentistry values the balance between white and pink aesthetics, which are important for obtaining results with excellence in rehabilitation treatments. The aim of this study was to report an interdisciplinary treatment of a case of gingival smile. Female patient, 32 years of age, nonsmoker and without systemic changes, attended the dental clinic of a dental school in northern Brazil with the main complaint of small clinical crowns and aesthetic dissatisfaction with dental staining. In the clinical examination of the patient, an average of 6 mm was found in the gingival probe of the upper arch, absence of bacterial plaque, subgingival stones, absence of bone loss, presence of vestibular exostosis in the region of teeth 15 to 25 and darkening of the dental crowns. After adequacy of the oral environment, local anesthesia was performed, the incisions in an external bevel at 45° were performed, returning the appropriate contour, the zenith of the central incisors and the canines more distal, giving a natural aspect to the smile. After the surgery, the surgical flap and ostomy were lifted and then the flap was sutured. After 60 days, dental office bleaching was performed in 03 sessions (Whiteness HP blue), associated with the homemade technique (White Class). In view of the reported clinical results, it can be concluded that the association of gingival repair with tooth whitening is a viable technique with excellent predictability of success.
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